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Clock:March 15th 2025, 01:56:18 AM

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Ready for a fight quiz? Let's see how many you can answer. Answers are below.

Which boxers fought in the Thrilla in Manila?
What is the main difference between Jujutsu and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu?
Who won the No Holds Barred match at WrestleMania 33?

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First came the Fight of the Century where WBC/WBA heavyweight champion Joe Frazier beat lineal heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali in 1971. Next came Super Fight II in 1974 where Ali emerged the victor. Both fights had been intense and were decided by unanimous decisions. Ali's next fight was the equally famous Rumble in the Jungle against George Foreman. The Thrilla in Manila was the third fight between them in 1975 and Ali won by TKO when Frazier's corner signalled to end the match after Round 14.

Japanese jujutsu originated around 600 years ago and means ‘the art of giving way'. It was different to other martial arts such as karate which used stikes by emphasizing throws and locks. Brazilian jiu-jitsu originated from this Japanese style but much more importance was placed on grappling and ground fighting. It also allowed moves from other forms of fighting or martial arts. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a favorite for UFC and cage fighters.

At WrestleMania 33 in the headline match Roman Reigns defeated The Undertaker. If you like WWE and fights, don't forget to check the schedule for all events and PPV.

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